RYSMUN blev d. 23/4 åbnet på Rysensteen Gymnasium, ved taler fra formand for Folketinget Mogens Lykketoft, rektor Gitte Transbøl og General Secretary Emma Ihlemann. 

Rysmun er en simuleret FN-konference med deltagelse af alle 2g-elever på Rysensteen Gymnasium, der over to dage skal diskutere både aktuelle politiske situationer samt opfundme dilemmaer. Der bliver dannet alliancer og fjender, og eleverne har hver især fået tildelt hvert deres land, som de skal agere som under hele RYSMUN.

Det er fjerde gang RYSMUN bliver afholdt på Rysensteen Gymnasium, men dette års udgave udmærker sig, fordi der er en markant mængde af internationale elever på skolen, som også deltager i arrangementet. Det drejer sig om elever fra Rysensteens partnerskoler i Indien, Rusland, Argentina, Tyrkiet, Egypten, Spanien og Tyskland. Læs herunder, hvordan de forskellige elever oplever RYSMUN:


Israel Delegate Henrich Heine Gymnasium, Dortmund – Germany
“It’s my first time being at a MUN conference, furthermore being here in Denmark is really exciting. It’s been quite easy, because people are open-minded which in result makes me feel safe. I expect to work hard and exploit this opportunity as much as possible, I’m aware of how lucky I am to be here. Being Israel is quite fun, because I have so many allies compared to others.”

UK Delegate OHEP Schools, Alanya - Turkey
“This being my first time, I feel quite nervous. I have no particular expectations but hopefully I’ll have some fun. The debates later are  starting to make me nervous though. But luckily I have an alliance with the US.” 

Republic of Korea Delegate Fergusson College Pune - India
“It’s my first time being a delegate, but I have participated several times before as a part of the Press and the organising committee. My expectations for this conference must be to see the differences between the Indian people/students and the Danish ones. I AM SO EXCITED!”

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Delegate Dr. Nermien Ismail language schools Cairo – Egypt
“It‘s my fourth time being at a MUN conference, twice as a delegate and once as a chair. Being back in Denmark is really nice since my first MUN was here in Denmark, so I am happy to be back. My goal for this time is to be named as Best Delegate!” 

Canadian Delegate Skt. Petersbourg – School no. 168 – Russia 
“It’s my first time but I’m glad it’s in Denmark because it’s a really amazing country! I want to demonstrate my abilities within this field and perhaps make some positive changes. And I am looking so much forward to start debating.”

Mexican Delegate Colegio Estudio – Madrid 
It’s my first MUN conference, and I have certain expectations about the resolutions and how I can participate in this. The whole conference is in English, and therefore it can seem a bit frightening. 

Swiss Delegate Escuela Normal Superior – Vicente Fatone – Argentina 
It’s my first time here in Copenhagen; I’ve tried it beforeback in my hometown. But I do try to adapt to the every different place. I just want to have fun and just enjoy, but speaking English all the time is going to be tough. Luckily I have found an ally in Argentina. 

Israeli Delegate Rysensteen Gymnasium – Denmark 
It’s my first time participating in any MUN conference, however I’m just so excited to be a part of something like this. I’m looking forward to this a lot, partly because of the interesting topics that are up for debate this year. My expectation for Rysmun is to see how dedicated people are going to be and maybe create some complex debates where I can do my part.