Visit from Colegio Estudio

For a week, we enjoyed the company of our Spanish exchange students from Colegio Estudio. Among other things, we were on a city walk in Copenhagen where we were all given a guided tour of the Danish monarchy and democracy by our history teacher, Simon Valentin. In addition, we also visited Christiania, Louisiana and Thorvaldsen's Museum. On our visit to Louisiana, we started our GCP project by interviewing some of the students about Birgitte Jürgensen and Pipilotti Rist's exhibitions. In addition to being together during school time, we also spent our free time together at several cafes and parks, as well as with several of our own classmates. We both established a strong relationship with the Spaniards and internally in the class, and we are already very much looking forward to going to Madrid, seeing them again and experiencing their everyday lives in the same way they experienced ours.

Mathilde, 3.b