Curricular activities

In addition to the many GCP-projects students will also meet GCP in the individual subjects' curricula. Here students will work with perspectives, which are different in between classes, fields of study and levels. The teachers plan these projects, which form part of the curriculum on the same level as the other courses. Students will meet a course with a GCP-focus at least once a year in every subject.

Examples of curricular GCP-activities in the 1st year:

Global perspective:

Chemistry: All first year the chemistry students work with vegetable oil as a case. Here, they examine the climate-related, environmental, social and health-related issues linked to vegetable oil.

Values & behaviour:

Physics: All first year physics students work with sustainable energy as a case. They examine how the individual students can save energy themselves.


History: All first year students work with the evolution of the concept of "citizenship" from Ancient Greece until today with a focus on being able to understand and discuss the concept.

Examples of curricular GCP-activities in the 2nd year:


Danish: In relation to the course on the Romantic Movement, the second year students work with the concept of "Danishness".

Examples of curricular GCP-activities in the 3rd year:

Global perspective:

Social studies: All third year social studies-students go through a course on international politics.


Classical studies: Through analyses of antique sculptures, we examine the white colour's significance for the western self-perception. This is done in order to start a discussion and a reflection of European culture and identity.