The Danish-Irish exchange 2014!

At 8 o’clock in the morning on Saturday the 5th of April, the Irish students from Drogheda Grammar School departed from Copenhagen Airport after a very successful exchange. The Irish students have been living with the Danes for 5 days – 5 days with many activities, laughs and experiences.

During the exchange, we have been exchanging cultural heritage; in Ireland we saw the old barrow, which ironic enough is named ‘New Grange’. In Denmark both the Irish and Dutch exchange went to Kronborg Castle – one of Denmark’s cultural treasures. Not only have we done cultural exchange, we have also been to school. Compared to the time in Denmark, it was possible to attend many lessons in Ireland because of the English language. Instead of going to school in the Danish week everyone has worked on a project, which has ended up with 5 small films concerning the differences between the two countries.

For the Danish students the exchange has been an excellent opportunity to practice their English. For the Irish students it has been interesting to experience a different culture and another education system. Friendships and international contacts have been made, and though the Irish people departed from Copenhagen Airport and the Danes stayed in Denmark, we have all left an impression in each country. This impression will stay with students and teachers in respectively Ireland and Denmark, though the exchange is now over.