Så er der billeder fra årets RysMUN!

Distinguished participants to RYSMUN2016,

Honorable delegates,

It is with great pleasure we welcome you to RYSMUN2016. RYSMUN is Rysensteen Gymnasium’s annual Model United Nation conference and is organized by a strong team of dedicated students and directors. This year, you will meet a lot of diverse themes in the different committees. These themes are no coincidence, as we have selected a range of different themes, all being exceptional turning points for the international agenda.

 In your committee, you will be responsible for representing your country’s interests and proposals related to a specific topic, while in the GA you will be called to give your contribution to selected resolutions from different committees. Here you can express your country’s opinion on other topics than your own committees, or act as a specialist, if your committee’s resolution is chosen.

Delegates of RYSMUN 2016, you will participate in a conference where you will improve your debating skills, widen your horizon on international agendas and different countries opinions and stands.

You will participate in two days of fun and challenging debate, where the settings are making you feel like a real diplomat. We are looking forward to meet you all on the 28th of April 2016!


Best regards and diplomatic greetings,

The secretariat of RYSMUN2016


Read more about this years RysMUN on the official website: www.rysmun.com

Read principal Gitte Transbøl's opening speach here.