Global Citizenship Day 2020 for the third year students
Even though the Corona-pandemic has put our GCP-travels on hold, we were fortunately able to organize a virtual event on the Global Citizenship Day for our 3rd year-students in collaboration with our 13 partner schools across 5 different continents. On this day, our 3rd year students met virtually with the students from their partner schools on Zoom. Here they had the opportunity to get to know each other and talk about the pandemics influence on their day-to-day lives.
Against the backdrop of the countries handling of the pandemic, the students discussed cultural differences, both between their own country and the partner country as well as internally in both countries. The students rounded the event off with reflections on culture and prejudice and hopefully ended up with a closer bond to their partner students.
A great "Thank you!" to all our partner schools for the successful day!