The Netherlands - The Hague
Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum
Every year, a small group of our first-year students gets the opportunity to participate in a short exchange programme with our Dutch partner school Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum.
The programme consists of exchange visits, where the students from Rysensteen visit the students from Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum and stay in their homes for a week and vice versa. During these two weeks of visiting and staying with each other, the Danish and the Dutch students will collaborate on a social science-project in groups. The project will focus on a societal challenge which is relevant in both Denmark and the Netherlands, which can be everything from global warming to integration. The project will be started during the stay in The Hague, then the students will work together online in the weeks between the two visits and during the stay in Copenhagen the students will finally present their projects to both their teachers and classmates.
Our partner school Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum is located in the city of The Hauge, which apart from its role as the administrative and royal capital of the Netherlands also is known as the home of international law and arbitration, with the UN's International Court of Justice, Europol and approx. 200 other international organizations being located in the city.
Read more about Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum on their webpage.