Project Rousseau - New York, USA
Partner for the u-classes
Rysensteen and the u-classes have for some years now been working with a very special partner in New York, namely Project Rousseau. Project Rousseau is an NGO, that matches underserved high school students with a mentor who is a college student in the same class (9th graders are matched with college freshmen, 10th graders with college sophomores, etc.). Mentors and mentees are matched for the rest of the mentee’s high school career and meet once per week over that time period.
Rysensteen is proud to be associated with Project Rousseau, and the president of the Project, Andrew Heinrich. Because at the heart of Rysensteen's Global Citizenship Programme lies the idea that we all, as citizens of the world, must accept responsibility for solving Global problems - whether they are related to economics, the climate or education. Project Rousseau gives our students an idea on how to translate an ethical stand into concrete actions. And the meeting with students, who have come from very difficult beginnings to go on to college, have been most inspiring for the a-classes. We hope that the students of Project Rousseau also grow in both wisdom, maturity and intercultural understanding during their encounters with the Danish students.
The u-classes visit Project Rousseau when they go to New York, and take part in some of the activities the PR is engaged in. The students also visit different cultural sights of interest together. Last year a few Project Rousseau students and chaperones also came to Denmark to participate in RysMUN (Model United Nations.). It was for all involved a very special and rewarding experience on both a social and an academic level, and needless to say the students of Project Rousseau excelled.